Kuopion Torin Länsireuna
Planning study
Kuopion Kaupunki
Size br-m²
52 513
This planning study, which will inform revisions to the detailed town plan, examines the possibilities of additional construction in an area of cultural and historical significance. Kuopio Market Square and the city centre’s gridded street pattern are both on the list of nationally significant built cultural environments (RKY). The cityscape of the market square and the surrounding neighbourhoods are key elements in the planning study.
The historical significance of the area can be identified by its urban and structural elements, and the efficiency and functionality of the area can be increased by emphasizing these existing qualities. With new construction, it is possible to support and unify the square as a city centre for Kuopio. The design of the new construction supports the goals of the cityscape and has a clear, modern, and time-resistant appearance.